Saturday, September 22, 2007

Happy Birthday, Madeline!

Madeline was 11 on Sept. 20th. Wow. She pooled all her birthday money to buy a Nintendo DS lite. It's the first piece of high tech equipment owned by one of my children. I read an article recently about how 'tweens are demanding more high tech toys. And I realized that I now have a "'tween". Hmm. I'm glad to be a young mom. Most people think that Sam is my oldest, and they're surprised when I tell them I have two other older daughters. It's kind of fun, actually.

On another note, I got a part-time job as assistant to the children's ministry director at church. We have worked together on nursery things before, so I know we work well together. I haven't actually started the job yet. I'm thinking things will start in October. But its a new page in my life that I'm looking forward to.


Anonymous said...

Tell Madeline Happy Birthday too, from Great Uncle Ed!

Somehow that sounds odd... I think it may be the first time I've actually assumed that title...

Anonymous said...

It was so fun to see the pictures of Madeline's party that your folks took and all the other pictures too.And to hear about all the fun times you all had.Love to you all! Grandma

Anonymous said...

Well I haven'checked out my children's blog in quite a while. So, happy anniversary to Heidi and William-12!!!!!! Big spiders creep me out some. As a kid I have a vivid memory of fearlessly collecting all manner of spiders in a class jar. After filling the jar I took the lid off to look more closely at them and they all tried to crawl out once. I freaked out dropping the glass jar in a neighbors drive way and ran home. A while the neighbor came and got me. I had to sweep up the glass. All the spiders were long gone. You have to rent the movie Aracnapohia (sp). Too much for Sam but the girls would be entertained. But may not sleep well that night :-). Love, Dad, Grandpa, Father-in-law, etc.