Friday, April 24, 2009

Charlotte's Babies

Every Spring, there is a foolproof sign that Spring has sprung. It is the presence of thousands of baby spiders floating through the air on their little strands of web. When I go outside, I end up with at least two or three draped across me, and the little spiders are somewhere on my person. The street lamps and signs have web caught on them; they're all over the place.

I immediately think of Charlotte's Web, where her babies are born at the end, and they all float away. But I've never lived in a place where it happened to me before. Our house is in a neighborhood that is set in the middle of open land. I love it, because I love being out of the city. And, apparently, floating baby spiders are part of life in the bigger outdoors.


Jenn Pete said...

How wonderful! Must be different spiders on this side of town. Keep your eyes open, I'm sure one or two will stay nearby :)

Gretchen said...

I love this in theory but in reality it creeps me out to think of hundreds/thousands of little spiders flying through the air..... whimsical yet eeby jeeby inducing. ;0)

Mom said...

Yes, GG's sentiments are about the same as mine! But it does sound whimsical and how fun to have it remind you of a great childhood book!
Have a good week! Love you!