Sunday, August 21, 2005

Why I bought a digital camera

OK, yesterday morning I looked up and saw Sam standing before me. He had taken off his pants, was wearing only a tank top tee and Abby's new birthday skates. (Fallout from the Potty Train) It was the funniest sight, and tonight he got him self up in the above outfit. I guess he just has a flair for the dramatic. Let's blame it on his father.


Heidi said...

Hi, I'm just testing the commenting process. A couple people had trouble. It's been fun to read all your various comments. I'm enjoying it!

Anonymous said...

I love your blog! And I'm so glad you got a digital camera!! Now we're going to see lots of fun stuff...
Love you

Anonymous said...

How cute! HE doesn't dress up like that for me! I love the picture on here! They're great~