Friday, December 09, 2005

Christmas Photos

You can see a little of how much Sam loves the train. He spends most the day playing with it. We had a fun time getting ready for Christmas.


Erin said...

Lots of fun to see the pictures. It seems like the kids have really sprouted since I last saw them! Madeline is looking so much older.(Thanks for the help with the links - they came out great!)

Daniel Shackelford said...

Looks like Sam just needs an engineer's hat! I still have clear memories of trains at Christmas in the Lanai.

Not sure if you intended the photo-mashup (could be used to great effect), but if you are looking for a way out of it, try putting a <_P_> thing before each image, and a <_/P_> thing after each, only without the underscores. That should put them in a column. You could also try just hitting enter a few times beween each. Photos can be a pain on blogger.

Heidi said...

I'll try it, Daniel. A question...When you look at the blog, do the photos overlap? I show them one after the other, but not on top of each other.

ShackelMom said...

They overlap on my view, with the tree picture covering Sam's face as he takes the train from the box. the bottom one is priceless!

Daniel Shackelford said...

They do overlap for me as well. I am using Firefox browser (it does not seem to matter which OS I use). There are things in the code of the page that makes it squish on browsers other than IE. I am not sure how easy it would be to fix, since it seems to be in the way Blogger handles images.

David Cho said...

How the photos are stacked. I am a web programmer and I have no idea how you pulled that off.

Happy New Year.

Daniel Shackelford said...

It is the use of the "float:right" style for the IMG element. When you have several images inline that all have the same float style, "some" browsers don't know what to do with it. Without the "float:right" they would just line up nicely. Alignment (align="right") in the IMG element would work much better.