Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The Latest Transition

I have become more comfortable with the idea that life is a series of transitions. And, just like in childbirth, transition is definately the worst time of the delivery. I said to William the other day, "I don't think I can handle this painful uncomfortable feeling for very long." And he reminded me of how quickly transition in labor occurs. Well, if he is right, this unknowing, excited, nervous feeling won't last for three months like I'm afraid it will.

To continue the birth metaphor, I also feel like I have no idea what the "baby" will be. I still don't know whether or not I'll be accepted to Wheaton. The "pregnancy" of realizing I wanted to go, getting the application, applying, thinking about it etc. has lasted for 10 months now. The Lord has had me working through the process of giving up that dream if it is not His dream for me, and I can honestly say that at this moment I feel like I can trust him to lead me to the place that will be best for me. So, if I don't get accepted, we really have no clue where we will end up. And if I do get accepted, there are still real hurdles to getting there before that is a sure thing. Ehhhhh

I am excited to see what happens. I am encouraged by your comments on William's blog, and really, I feel a lot of joy at the freedom to follow the Lord's leading, whatever that may be.


Anonymous said...

The best part is knowing that you are in the center of God's will. The rest takes care of itself and you and yours. What a comfort to rest in His arms. We watch the drama play out with great interest.

ShackelMom said...

I remember being in that place. Feeling like a bird on a wire, not knowing whether to buy a large or small jar of mayonaise (because we might have to move on a moment's notice). I was so frustrated until I saw that the Lord kept Isreal moving around the wilderness for 40 years. Those ladies never knew when they stopped if it would be for 3 days or three months or three years. Never knew when to get out the knicknack shelves, lay out the nicer carpets... And God said He did that so HE would become their habitation. An a amazing thought, to be 'at home' in Him.

In the end, God took us in an intirely different direction than where we were waiting to go! And it was the best way we could have gone. It was clear as we looked down that other road from a distance.

Heidi said...

Thanks for your comments. I think this time period is all about trusting the Lord. It is easy for me to think that things will be better if I'm in charge, but that isn't true. Thanks for the personal experience story, Aunt Luanne.

Anonymous said...

Hi Heidi and family. I am at Jim and Erin's computer. Robin and Erin are attending a women's Bible study. We met with Jim and Erin's realtor last night for dinner and they confirmed that their due to the growing population in this area there are quite a few teaching positions open. So, opportunity and affordable houseing are here. Heidiand William, Erin has more specific info on the better places to look for a teaching positions their passed on. Love you. Dad

Heidi said...

It's so good to know that the Barnes Resort and all other possiblities are open to us there in Texas. We'll see what happens....Still no word on the Wheaton acceptance. I'm hoping to hear this week.